Monday, November 4, 2013

Day 1 - already behind?! #edcmooc

So today was the first official day of my first ever MOOC (massive open online course). I thought I was ahead of the game because yesterday I found the Fb page and how to access the course, resurrected my Twitter account to Tweet about its upcoming start AND was re tweeted!

Today on course, I read about how NOT to become overwhelmed and to pick and choose what materials and conversations I feel most comfortable interacting with.  Awesome.  No pressure.  I'm liking the way this course is set up for me to gather and glean the knowledge I find most applicable to my teaching and learning style.

And then I started reading Tweets which were referring to how wonderful this video or that article was FROM WEEK TWO !!!  So much for "No Pressure!"  But then I realized that of the 17,000 people who are taking this course, perhaps some of them didn't have the commitments which I had today.  For me, getting my Twitter account set with the same password on my phone AND iPad, watching four videos (which did not portray technology in a very favorable light), and downloading the PDFs for week 1, was a tremendous start for day 1.

Oh,  and I started my first blog. (Something this digital immigrant NEVER aspired to do)


  1. Hi digital immigrant,
    Reading your blog felt as if I had written it ... I feel exactly the same and didn't even get to the course content. Thanks for making me feel less guilty (OK, here I pretend not having seen your second blogpost)

    1. Lol. I'm just getting past the guilt. With that aside I can give serious thought to the course topic!

  2. Can you *be* behind in the "massive"? You certainly can't be "ahead". Perhaps you just have to *be* - trapped in the present, and not worrying about what has just passed you by. :-)

    1. Yes, tonight I am beginning to "get" that. No "required" reading, no after midnight blog post with the clock manually set to the proper day.
      I just floated around and read and posted and found sites which I never knew existed--for almost 5 hours!😴
